Today, daily betting in cricket takes place on average worth billions of dollars. How many billions is anybody’s guess? The matches are scripted ball-by-ball to trap the bettors for these filthy high amounts. The bettors are millions of common people as well as some highly rich. They are largely ignorant of the reality of cricket and ways of the mafia to trap them. This book takes the Mafia head-on; makes the people aware of the reality and brings out how one can protect oneself and beat the mafia by knowing and understanding their game. Any cricket bettor, and there are tens of millions of them across many countries, will immensely benefit from this book in many ways including monetary gains. And so will those who play cricket fantasy games like Dream 11.
Those who don’t bet will also know and realise the reality of cricket and cricketers with very deep insights.
Some Media Reports

About the Author
Atul Kumar
Atul Kumar is an engineer, a postgraduate from IIT Madras. He served the Indian Railways as a Class I officer from 1981 to 2011 before taking voluntary retirement. While in service, he was instrumental in exposing leakage of approximately Rs 5000 crores per year through cartels in Railway procurement. As a consequence, he was awarded ‘S R Jindal Prize 2011 for crusade against corruption’ at the national level. Later on, this leakage was also confirmed by the Metro Man, Mr. E. Sreedharan in a report. Atul Kumar also suggested ways and means to control the leakage before opting for retirement.
Atul Kumar is also an awarded poet in Hindi. Many of his poetry books have been published. About a decade ago, after retirement, Atul Kumar exposed the ball-by-ball institutionalised fixing in Cricket through his books and press conferences etc. He brought out the vast implications of this open massive international fraud, while proving the same mathematically also in 2013. Many public exposures from many corners thereafter during the last decade have also been confirming everything said by him. In his bid to bring it to an end, he also knocked the doors of the Supreme Court of India in the year 2017. During the last decade, his many books on the subject have been published in English and Hindi. These books detail the continuing massive fraud and its very serious financial and other implications through sound logic and detailed documentation.
Some important Records
Rejoinder to BCCI, everyone went silent
When the whole SCI went to sleep

Cricket Betting and The Fake ICC World Cup 2023
Around the sixteenth century, the mankind took more than 100 years to overcome its hardened belief that the Sun revolved round the Earth.
In modern times, the fact, that all the cricket we see is institutionally fixed and scripted like a puppet show, lies scientifically proved and publicly exposed since 2013. Yet, like in the 16th century, the totally false notion of natural cricket continues to persist among the masses. It is reinforced more by the vested interests.
Strangely enough, even the best minds around fail to comprehend the reality which is not much difficult to perceive.
This book will help the readers a long way in grasping the explosive truth through knowledge of cricket betting.

Cricket Me Satta Aur ICC Ke Kathputli Show (क्रिकेट में सट्टा और आई सी सी के कठपुतली शो
यह पुस्तक आईसीसी के 2023 के क्रिकेट वर्ल्ड कप के कुछ ही बाद छपी लेखक की अंग्रेजी पुस्तक ‘Cricket Betting and the Fake ICC World Cup 2023’ का हिंदी अनुवाद है।
एक तरफ क्रिकेट मैचों में विभिन्न प्रकार के दांवों द्वारा रोजाना कई बिलियन डॉलर का सट्टा लगता रहता है, दूसरी तरफ तदनुसार सट्टा माफिया के इशारों पर और आईसीसी की सहमति से मैदानों में क्रिकेट खिलाड़ियों का कठपुतली शो चलता रहता है, मैच दर मैच । आप किसी भी खिलाड़ी को कितना ही दिग्गज क्यों न मानते हों!
दुनिया भर में अपने को जरा भी बुद्धिजीवी समझने वाले हर व्यक्ति के लिए जरूरी है कि इस लगातार चल रहे महा-फ्रॉड के अति गंभीर निहितार्थों को समझे।
यह पुस्तक क्रिकेट सट्टेबाजों और ड्रीम 11 जैसे फंतासी गेम्स में पैसा लगाने वालों को भी बहुत लाभान्वित करेगी।
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